"About five years ago, I recognized that I had completed a cycle as
an artist and that I had to rethink my way of working and my focus if I
was going to grow. The next two years were absolutely agonizing. I destroyed
dozens of scripts and essays. I vowed not to work with any electronic equipment
in order to define what my own physical and mental space was, and for one
year only performed live with firelight. Near the end of that year, all
the trouble I had had making creative decisions disappeared and new work
emerged. The precipice turned out to be a grueling but needed step."
Whether she is performing, creating video installations, writing for a wide
variety of publications (from Art in America to The Nation,) or encouraging
the exchange of ideas in face-to-face intercultural interaction or on the
web, interdisciplinary artist Coco Fusco is attempting to disrupt the dominant
discourse. Her current work focuses on the social impact of globalization
and technology on subaltern peoples.* Playing with ethnographic documentary
paradigms, soap operas, talk shows and variety show formats, surveillance
cameras and closed circuit television, she examines how different cinematic
and televisual genres shape perception. Embodied, engaged, and critical,
her innovative practice assertively troubles the waters of contemporary