Bill Talen

Roses for Rosie Mendez/Save the Pavillion, Union Square, 4/8/09 Photo by Brennan Cavanaugh (CC)

“...We always ask ourselves, 'What is today's equivalent of Rosa Parks sitting in front of the bus?'”

Bill Talen

context & deep context


From NYC Mayoral campaign, 2008 (CC)

“Dr. King's people were creating theater that clarified meaning. Lenny Bruce and Julian Beck and Daniel and Philip Berrigan did that too. Each had a signature theatrical move that electrified people with meaning, demanding that witnesses make moral decisions about how they will live their lives...”

Bill Talen

Trailer/Movie excerpt from What Would Jesus Buy? Directed by Morgan Spurlock.

Deep Context

Photo by Brennan Cavanaugh, 3/11/09 (CC)

The roots of theatre: religion, oration, magic, and healing.

Priests, medicine men, actors and poets are technicians of the sacred.

Charismatic performers have tools.

“...Billy and I come out of theater, that's what we do. Those are the tools we have...It might not be the most effective way of organizing people, or making slow social change, but I think it's a really effective way of getting people to wake up.”

---Savitri D