Aviva Davidson
executive director
and producer,
Dancing in the Streets,
New York, New York
Thomas DeFrantz
artist, author,
professor, MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Deborah Hay
choreographer, dancer, writer,
Austin, Texas
Pablo deOcampo
artistic director, The Images Festival, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, and co-founder/ director, Cinema Project,
Portland, Oregon
Bruce Jenkins
curator, dean, undergraduate studies,
the School of the
Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
Renée Tajima-Peña
filmmaker, associate professor,
UC Santa Cruz,
Los Angeles, California
Anthony Davis
composer, professor,
UC San Diego,
San Diego, California
Wayne Horvitz
composer and performer,
Seattle, Washington
Annea Lockwood
Crompond, New York
Una Chaudhuri
Theatre and Performance Studies scholar, professor of English and Drama, NYU,
New York, New York
Roberta Levitow
director, dramaturge,
Theatre Without Borders,
Santa Monica, California
Mark Russell
independent curator,
New York, New York
Visual Arts
Doryun Chong
assistant curator, visual arts,
Walker Art Center,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mary Leclère
art historian, critic,
associate director,
Core Program,
Glassell School of Art,
Houston, Texas
David Levi Strauss
writer and critic,
New York, New York